Coronavirus (COVID-19): Public Service Announcement

In regards to the recent global Covid-19 pandemic, four days ago, March 16th 2020, the Swiss Federal Council has declared that an “extraordinary situation” also exists in Switzerland in terms of the Epidemics Act. This action alters borders accessibility, restaurants, stores and our lifestyles. However, please bear in mind that actions taken by many governments are mere responses to one of the most disruptive virus of the 21st century on a global scale.

This decision directly affects our HQ here in Switzerland and some of our members, partners and clients. Nevertheless, we’re writing this post in order to let you know that the safety and wellbeing of our members and workforce is our priority, and that we are committed to maintaining a safe workplace for everyone.

We have taken great care to put measures in place to make our working environment Covid-19 safe such as but not limited to remote working, full assessment and implementation of hygiene protocols in line with scientific guidance and, finally, signage where needed to raise awareness of safe Covid-19 etiquette to adapt. We are closely working with our global network and valued partners to provide the best service to our clients. However, the situation calls for major changes in our habits – like for some of our clients in China in January – we have adapted to the best ability in order to continue offering seamless experiences.

Nevertheless, our clients and members’ wellbeing and safety are of the utmost priority. Therefore, we are closely monitoring and managing this situation as it rapidly evolves and liaising regularly with the global health authorities and government agencies where needed.

For More Information 

If you are based in Switzerland, we strongly recommend that you monitor the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA‘s page: Swiss Government Travel Advice & COVID-19 Please note that this is solely available to French, German and Italian speakers, nevertheless our team offers an English version.

If you are based in the United States of America, we strongly recommend you refer to the latest Government travel advice and any other restrictions that might apply: US State Department Travel Advice.

Based elsewhere and have a question? See below or read more about Coronavirus: World Health Organisation (WHO).

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our operations during these unprecedented times please make your inquiries through the contact form and for our dear members your dedicated Lifestyle Specialist is as usual your SPOC.

We are hoping you’re staying safe and reading this at home.